Workshop on Deep Generative AI for Molecule Exploration


  • Main paper: Page limit is 8, including references and appendix.
  • Short paper: Page limit is 4, including references and appendix.
  • Abstract: Page limit is 2, including references and appendix.
Main papers will be provided a presentation slot. Short papers and abstracts will be showcased through posters. In order to foster active discussions, ongoing works are encouraged to be submitted.

Manuscript Format

Manuscripts must be written in English, and should follow the Latex submission template and style file given in this page. Supplementary materials may be submitted as a separate file, but reviewers are not obliged to consider it.

Submission Style

Anonymization Policy

Submissions need not be anonymized but can be submitted anonymized if authors choose double-blind review. To anonymize, simply leave the author information empty in the Tex template. There is no separate format for anonymizing.

Dual Submission Policy

You can submit papers that are similar to versions that have been previously published, or accepted for publication, or that have been submitted in parallel to other conferences or journals (including our journal track). Submission is also permitted for papers presented or to be presented at conferences or workshops without proceedings, or with only abstracts published. Also, submission is permitted for papers that are available as a technical report (e.g., in arXiv) as long as it is not cited in the submission.